Ely City WI

New Meeting Venue & Start Time
Bishop Laney Sixth Form, Downham Road, Ely, CB6 2SH
Arrive 6.45pm for 7.00pm start
Parking & cycle racks available
Find us on Facebook: Ely City WI
for more news, events and other WI information!

Welcome to Ely City WI
Ely City WI is one of the WIs that form the Isle of Ely Federation, which are all part of the National Federation of Women's Institutes
A warm welcome from our President, Sheila :
The 2024-2025 WI year is a special one for Ely City WI: we celebrate our 40th anniversary of our creation. Yes, Ely City WI has been part of Ely life for 40 years. In the last three years we have seen rapid growth of our WI membership. The WI is for all women. We, at Ely City WI, have a diverse membership and welcome all those who identify themselves as women. We are a friendly, caring, fun-loving group of women. We welcome women from the age of 18; there is no upper age limit.
We offer a varied annual programme of eleven meetings: talks, demonstrations, activities as well as meetings where we just get to share time together. In August we don't officially meet but we do have a couple of summer social events in order that we can share time together. We have a growing offering of sub-groups: diners club, ladies that lunch, leisure group (coffee/afternoon tea gatherings), craft group, book group (we need another as our current one is full!), quiz group, and we would like to offer more: could you be that person to organise a sub-group? There is something for every woman at WI.
We also participate in community engagement initiatives: we have supplied cakes for a community coronation afternoon tea, and cakes for a civic event, we collect each month for the local foodbanks, as examples. Our fundraising events this year are a quiz night and a Christmas wreath making afternoon tea. We have participated in previous year at the Ely Arts Festival funday with cake/bottle stalls. We have craft-bombed Ely on many occasions: for the late Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee, King Charles III's coronation, as well as our annual Show the Love green heart display in February and our Poppy displays in November every year. Plus more besides! Our members really get involved! Our digital scrapbooks will give you a flavor.
We are not currently accepting new members however, we do have a waiting list so if you would like to be added to that please contact us on elycitywi@yahoo.com
We are Ely City WI. We are. We can. We do.